Libraries, Bookstores, & More: Simi Valley, CA

Air Force One

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

  What do you think of when you envision a library? If you’re like me, when picturing yourself on a library visit, you might see yourself tucked in a nook, surrounded by mounds of books, readily available to read at your fingertips—but in the case of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, you’re more likely to find yourself face-to-face with a plane than a book.

Just a half hour north of Malibu in Ventura County, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library can be found in Simi Valley, California. Originally inhabited by the Chumash Indigenous peoples until the settlement of Spanish colonists from Mexico in 1795, the Simi Valley is lush with rolling hills filled with California wild roses—this makes for the beautiful backdrop and imitated grounds of the White House rose gardens on the property of the museum, which was designed to emulate several aspects throughout Ronald Reagan’s life with his beloved Nancy and his history as President of the United States.

Enjoying a replica of the

Oval Office.

Exploring the Museum

  When first entering the grounds of the museum, you’ll be met with a winding road decorated with flags of Presidents past that leads you towards the museum’s entry way. While driving in, there was plenty of parking to be found, which wasn’t too far from the entrance of the museum and allowed us the opportunity to get a view of our surroundings and the beautiful Simi Valley. Once inside, you can either pick-up your reserved tickets or purchase tickets (*note: a membership purchase allows for reciprocity for any Presidential Library around the country); special exhibits require additional purchase, and during our visit, this was specifically reserved for the World War II exhibit.


After obtaining your tickets, you’ll be ushered through to a viewing room with a hologram of Reagan himself, by one of the many museum curators on board that made our experience great. Not only were they all knowledgeable about the Reagans and American history during President Reagan’s lifetime, but they were also kind and welcoming, and very open to questions from little ones.

For the Kids

From the ability to make your own broadcasting video with Reagan to seeing what a White House State’s Dinner entails, there were many interactive exhibits for children to enjoy; however, none surpassed the ability to take a tour on Air Force One. Yes. That’s right. Thee. Air. Force. One. The very Air Force One that Reagan utilized during his Presidency. In fact, the “Flying White House” as it has been called isn’t the only presidential transportation to explore there—the library also includes the Marine One helicopter and President Reagan’s 1984 parade limousine!


Despite its features as a living museum and library filled with White house artifacts during Reagan’s presidency and replicas of what would have been found during his lifetime, the museum also has some solemn aspects that may not be suitable for very young children. However, if you’re kids are like ours and mini-history buffs, displays like the World War II exhibit offered many learning opportunities and discussions for little ones about history.

Walking towards El Matador Beach

Things to do Away from the Museum

Although the museum boasts a shop filled with keepsakes and historical books for purchase to enjoy within the museum gardens, there are many places to visit within the area that are filled with fun and learning, if you have time, like the Chumash Indian Museum in Thousand Oaks. If you’re in the mood for a surf and swim, head over to El Matador Beach in Malibu, which is only 30 miles south of Simi Valley.  If you’d like a bit of shopping and a leisurely walk with family and friends, spend some time at the Malibu Country Mart—an outdoor boutique mall with cute shops and food.

What to Eat?


Hungry? You can always grab a quick or light bite at the museum’s café, The Gipper’s Bistro, which is located just off the Ruwe Terrace. If you want to see what life was like at Reagan’s ancestral home, then have a bite at The Ronald Reagan Pub—a functional eatery that was installed into the museum’s Air Force One Pavilion. It is a replica of an actual pub that Reagan visited during a diplomatic trip to Ballyporeen, Ireland, and comprises the pub’s original décor of from the 1980s.


Looking for breakfast or lunch with a view? Then head over to Malibu Pier for some farm-to-table deliciousness from Malibu Farm Pier Café. We highly recommend the s’mores ice cream and olive oil cake, to be accompanied by some of their delicious coffee.

 Places to Stay

  Whether you’d like to wake-up to the picturesque hills and peaks of Simi Valley or to the beautiful openness of the Pacific Ocean to the South, there are a myriad of places to lay your head close to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library—who offer a very good list of hotels and stays in respect to Ventura County on its website, which you can find here *CLICK*

 For places that offer ocean views, check out these places in Malibu:

 ·      Malibu Beach Inn

·      Hotel June Malibu

·      Malibu Country Inn

·      Nobu Ryokan Malibu

 All in all, if you want a day spent at one of the largest presidential libraries filled with living history in place of books, then the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is for you.


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